I watch, rate, and describe User-Generated Content ensuring credit is properly given to video owners, select content that will best sell to our partners, and assist in running one of our company's Instagram pages.
I got this internship from an alumni who had shared the opportunity through our chapter's Slack channel!
AKPsi helped me with my internship as it prepared me with the skills to use Slack, which is my Licensing Team's primary form of communication as well all work from home. Commitment and time management are two other aspects that AKPsi heavily prepared me for throughout the pledge process and as an active member of the Membership and Marketing Committees.
My favorite aspect about the internship is how welcomed and comfortable I feel with my team; I never felt intimidated and always knew that I could ask for their help when needed. I also love how unique what we do is: licensing for the top-performing meme pages and popular brands.
This internship has taught me that there is professional business for an industry that appears to be more comedic and informal. It also taught me to go after opportunities that seem unfamiliar to you because you might end up enjoying it a lot! In addition to this, I underestimated how much energy was needed for this job as it is not physically intensive; I definitely still need 8 hours of sleep.